The success of the project is greatly depended on: - Executive sponsorship & involvement
- Informed and active steering committee. There is a steering committee made up of executives, project team and vendors. They meet regularly and make decisions.
- Well-defined roles & responsibilities. These include the project team, process owners and vendor consultants.
- Assigned internal project management. There is an active internal project manager who liaises with all internal management and internal/external resources.
- Sufficient resources. There are internal project resources who have the time to work on the project without too much pressure from their day to day operations. For key people back fill some of their role so they can concentrate on the project.
- Properly defined & trained project team. Have a dedicated project team responsible for the specific business processes and ensure they have some specific product training.
- Well-defined scope & business objectives. Ensure the scope is identified by business process and ensure the team is aware of the business objectives being addressed by the implementation project.
- Short-term milestones & reviews. Break up the project into stages and ensure each stage is reviewed and signed off.
- Tracking tools for tasks & open issues. Have tools available to track tasks and open issues. Avoid using email for this purpose.
- Well defined change management process, for business user engagement and systems cutover. Consider how to engage your users, keep them informed and train them. Have key people engaged to assist other users. Have plans to ensure a successful cutover.
- Detailed user testing strategy for determining system success. Select business users and do User acceptance testing and ensure all issues are reviewed, prioritised and addressed. Use our implementation experience and talk to Cloud Culture about how we can ensure you have a successful CRM/ERP project implementation. If you want to chat further please call Andrew Pettinella on 0413 349 333.
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